
Calrossy Students roll up their sleeves for a good cause

(Cover story and photo courtesy of the Northern Daily Leader) 
GLOVED-UP and ready to go, Calrossy Anglican School kids have rolled up their sleeves to help sick children and their families.

The Year 10 Connections class have volunteered to help garden, clean and anything in-between at Ronald McDonald House.Volunteer numbers at the house have only reached half of what they were pre-COVID-19, house manager Rhiannon Curtis said. "For a small period of time we were fully closed which felt really horrible, because kids were still getting sick and babies were still being born," she said. "It felt very foreign to us to not be open and welcoming families in.
"This year we have brought on at least one or two new volunteers each week, but we're at about half of what we need to have someone here 24/7."Ronald McDonald House reduces the financial burden for families who have to travel for medical care for their child. As volunteer numbers continue to climb, the help offered by the Year 10 students means odd jobs that may have been overlooked can be done.

Students Charlotte Dew and Annabel Dalzell jumped at the chance to be involved. "It's really helpful for a lot of families because they don't have anywhere to stay when people are in the hospital," Charlotte said. "You definitely feel like you've had an impact, because so many people rely on the house for literally everything; food supplies, sleeping and it's so close to the hospital. "You see the side of it that they've shown us and it's really helpful."

It all started when some students expressed an interest in the medical field, Annabel said, so going to Ronald McDonald House helps them learn more."We've cleaned the whole house and helped out with gardening," Annabel said. "It's good, because if you weren't in this class you might not have thought about volunteering at Ronald McDonald House."